Five Emerging Legal Threats: Threat #3 The Secularization Of Culture
Five Emerging Legal Threats: Threat #4 Zoning Issues
Five Emerging Legal Threats: Threat #5 Sexual Abuse of Minors
United We Stand, Together We Fall: How Church and Nonprofit Boards Can Fulfill Their Mission
An organization is better when the board works together to communicate, advocate, and demonstrate the mission of the church!
The Board’s Responsibility to Keep the Nonprofit Legal
Duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty of obedience.
The Board’s Role in Setting Good Policies
Having good policies provides protection and stability, allowing the organization to fulfill its mission. This blog focuses on the board’s role in setting those policies.
Assure Prudent Financial Management and Oversight
What are the responsibilities of the Board regarding financial management and oversight? This blog covers three topics: Setting the annual budget and reviewing financial reports, establishing a compensation policy for the senior leader, and establishing effective internal and external controls.
Implement Goals as a Missional Roadmap Aligned with Values
The role of a Board in a nonprofit or church is to set the mission, determine the core values, and set and align the organization’s long-term goals with the core values to fulfill the mission. Find out how your church or nonprofit can implement those goals!
Culture, Core Values, and the Role of the Board
In this blog post, I discuss the benefits of core values and the board’s role in it all!
The Number One Job For Nonprofit Boards: Avoid Mission Creep
In a nonprofit corporation, it is the duty of the Board of Directors to prevent mission creep. To fulfill the duty of obedience and avoid mission creep, a nonprofit board can install safeguards.
Minimize Your Church's Biggest Risk
Churches are prime targets for sexual predators because of the access—often easy access—predators have to youth and children. This blog talks about a strategy that your congregation can implement that will protect your children, youth, and volunteers.
7 Ways to Protect Your Church: Who Owns the Church's Property?
A property dispute is the most likely reason a church will find itself in court. This blog focuses on protecting your church, clarifying issues around church property early, and maintaining appropriate policies regarding the church’s property.
7 Ways to Protect Your Church: What Kind of Insurance Does My Church Need?
There are at least five types of insurance your church needs. focus on protecting your church by making sure your church is properly insured!
7 Ways to Protect Your Church: Hiring Firing and Living to Tell About it
This blog focuses on protecting your church through effective employment practices. Or, as I like to say, Hiring, Firing, and Living to Tell About It!
7 Ways to Protect Your Church: Leveraging the Law in Your Favor
We live in a changing world, especially when it comes to the law and churches. I've begun a series of blogs, Seven Ways to Protect Your Church: A Guide to Navigating America’s Changing Legal Landscape.
COVID-19 and Your Church, Preschool, Or Daycare: Answering Your Questions
We know that the Coronavirus has raised a lot of questions regarding churches, preschools, and daycares. Even most recently, the Governor of Kentucky has requested that churches close their doors for two weeks. With all of the information floating around social media, we wanted to make sure we could provide the most comprehensive guide to help you protect your church, preschool, or daycare and answer your questions…
Can My Church Be Forced to Host a Same-Sex Marriage?
Does my church have to host a same-sex wedding? In today’s world, the church has to face situations we never expected. Take a look at where your church lands.